A quick guide to what meta tags are available

Meta tags provide a means of adding extra information about your HTML document. This is information that either your browser might be able to make use of or typically to provide additional information to search engines.

There are two types of meta tags:
<META NAME="tag" CONTENT="data">

Information provided by HTTP-EQUIV is passed to the browser before it receives the rest of the document. It provides information that could therefore affect how the browser handles the document. Both styles of meta tags must be positioned within the head of the document (i.e. between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags).


Meta Name Description
Author The name of the author of the page.
Copyright Allows a copyright statement to be embedded.
Description A short description of the page. Used by search engines as a summary description of the page.
Generator The name of the tool used to create the page. (Unsure how useful this is to web-authors.)
Keywords Used by search engines to index the page. Use to specify keywords of relevance to the page.
Robots Gives instructions to web-robots (also called web bots). Be aware that the web-bot is free to ignore it! The CONTENT portion should be a comma separated list of one or more of the following:
NOINDEX Do not index the page. Unless "NOFOLLOW" is also specified then any links on the page may still be followed.
NOFOLLOW Do not follow any links that are on the page.
NOIMAGEINDEX Do not index any of the images on the page.
NOIMAGECLICK Do not index links to images on the page, instead use a link to the page.

For example to prevent a page from being indexed:

these tags can be combined so, for example, to prevent a page from being indexed and any links followed:


HTTP-EQUIV tags that are not recognised (i.e. supported) by the browser and will be silently ignored (i.e. the viewer will not see an error). So you can use HTTP-EQUIV tags safely without worrying too much whether a given browser will support them.

Meta Name Description
Content-Type Specifies the character encoding scheme used for the document. A semicolon (;) can be used to combine values. Typical values:


Standard HTML.

CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"

Standard HTML, character set is ISO-8859-1, which is the standard for Western Europe and is also the normal browser default. For lists of possible character sets see:


Expires For caching purposes this stages when the document expires. Web robots may delete expired documents from their indexes or may schedule a revisit. The format is:


For example: "Thu, 7 Feb 2002 13:00:00 GMT"

An invalid value (such as 0) denotes 'now', forcing a check on each visit.

Page-Enter Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5+ only.

Specifies how the page should appear to replace the previous page in the browser.

For a summary of the transitions available see:

The Microsoft documentation on page transitions can be viewed at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/filter/reference/reference.asp,
but be aware that this concentrates on applying transitions to styles. An interactive demonstration of filters and transitions can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/dhtml/dxtidemo/dxtidemo.htm .

Page-Exit Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5+ only.

Specifies how the page should appear to disappear when the browser moves on to another page. Otherwise the options are the same as for Page-Enter.

Pragma There is only one pragma directive:

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

This requests that the page not be cached locally by the browser.

Refresh Tells the browser to wait a specified number of seconds before loading a new page.

For example to reload the current page after five minutes:


To load a different page after 5 seconds:

CONTENT="5; URL=http://cryer.co.uk/index.htm"

Googlebot In addition to the ROBOTS META Command above, Google supports a GOOGLEBOT command. With it, you can tell Google that you do not want the page archived, but allow other search engines to do so. If you specify this command, Google will not save the page and the page will be unavailable via its cache.